Sunday, March 9, 2014

1.26 Theorem

1.26 Theorem Prove the existence part of the Division Algorithm.

The Theorem

Let n and m be natural numbers. Then (existence part)
there exists integers q (for quotient) and r (for remainder) such that


and 0rn1. Moreover (uniqueness part), if q, q, and r, r are integers that satisfy


with 0r,rn1, then q=q and r=r.

Attempted Proof

Let S be the set of natural numbers ni, where i is a natural number such that ni>m. By the Well-Ordering Axiom, S has a smallest a smallest element, call it nj.

njmn(j1)qnmelse n(j1) would be a smaller element

Since n(j1)m there must exist an integer r such that

n(j1)q+r=mgiven 0r

if r were n then there would exist a natural number z such that r=n+z

n(j1)q+n+znj+znjnjmnjfalse=m=mm<mgiven 0rgiven 0rgiven 0rgiven 0r

So we have that r<n.

n(j1)q+r=mgiven 0rn1

Let q be the integer j1, and we get

nq+r=mgiven 0rn1

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